Trinsineers are owners, builders, and friends. These principles guide who we look for and what we strive for as a company culture.
Your job isn’t done until the job is done. Step up and make it happen. If you feel like you’re blocked or getting mixed signals, it’s on you to solve that ASAP. If you make mistakes and fail… good (if we’re not screwing up occasionally we’re not trying hard enough/moving fast enough).
<aside> 💥 It’s OK to fail. It’s not OK to not learn from failures.
Push the envelope. Elevate your expectations. You can do more than you think you can. Push others, and expect excellence from your team. Ambition should be targeted at helping the company accomplish its mission (the best way to achieve your personal ambitions is for the company to succeed).
Understand & embrace reality. Be curious, and ask questions often. The truth sometimes seems scary, but it can’t hurt you. Set aside any ego or insecurities that would prevent you from acknowledging reality. This applies to the company (our products or our market) and yourself.
You need to ask the right questions before you can get the right answers. Similarly, if you don’t know the core problem or crux of the issue you’re tackling (e.g. the “nucleus”) your solution is unlikely to hit the mark. Question until you find the boundary conditions. Delete everything you can until you hit the mark. If you’re not adding 10% back in, then you haven’t deleted enough. Build from there.
Speed is paramount for us. We usually get more information doing than talking. Prioritize the 20% of inputs that produce 80% of the results. Most decisions are reversible—have explanations for decisions, but fight anything that slows you down.
<aside> 💣 Expect a portion of your work to be redone or thrown away. If we learned, it accomplished its purpose.
We’re trying to do the (previously) impossible. It’ll require clever solutions and innovation. You should continuously hone your craft so that you can apply your skills tactfully to hard problems.
At Trinsic, we see beauty in humanity. Humanity is our guiding principle. We're inclusive to all people and relish the opportunity to expand our cultural or social horizons.
Be ethical, always. Ensure you’re worthy of others' trust. Illegal actions, bribery, harassment in any form, intimidation, and intentional deceit are intolerable, fireable offenses.
<aside> 🫂 We're building tools that are useful for all humans, so we do our best to create space for diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
Trust from both internal and external people is critical. If you say you'll do something, do it. Expect the same from others. It’s better to say “no” than to have major lapses in trust. If you’re unable to hit a deadline or meet a goal, speak up early and often. “No surprises.”